Planting in 1st and 2nd ClassThe boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class planted some potatoes and strawberries today as part of the Incredible Edibles programme! We will be keeping a close eye on them over the next while 🍓🥔
The boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class planted some potatoes and strawberries today as part of the Incredible Edibles programme! We will be keeping a close eye on them over the next while 🍓🥔
Lá GlasFéach ar na páistí i Rang a hAon agus a Dó! They had a wonderful time performing at the Céilí today and singing in our ceolchoirm...
World Book Day1st and 2nd Class had so much fun for World Book Day! They went on a character scavenger hunt around the school and wrote about and...
Anti-Bullying Week1st and 2nd Class took part in lots of activities during anti-bullying week. They created anti-bullying posters and also worked as a team...