European Week of SportLast Friday, 6th class celebrated the European Week of Sport by taking part in a table tennis tournament amongst ourselves. The pupils had great fun and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. #Europeanweekofsport#tabletennistakeover
Last Friday, 6th class celebrated the European Week of Sport by taking part in a table tennis tournament amongst ourselves. The pupils had great fun and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. #Europeanweekofsport#tabletennistakeover
Seó Faisin i Rang a Trí3rd Class put on a fashion show for the Ceolchoirm today. Féach ar an stíl agus an faisin.
Buddy Reading with 3rd Class and Junior InfantsJunior Infants and 3rd Class had so much fun taking part in buddy reading! Junior Infants were fantastic at listening to 3rd Class read...